HomeWorktopsGranite worktopsMost popular granite colors

Most popular granite colors

If you’ve encountered this post, you are probably planning to remodel your kitchen and utilize granite as the main material for your kitchen worktop. You probably know a lot about this material, you researched the topic thoroughly before deciding on the granite worktop. You know very well it is one of the best (if not the best) materials for worktops, you also know its properties, first and foremost durability and the ease of maintenance. There is only one thing left that hinders your ability to order the worktop from a supplier – its color.
There are countless granite patterns and colors that you can see here to choose from and your head might hurt just from thinking about it. Thus, we’re here to advise you and help you choose the most appropriate color of a granite worktop.
The usual and evergreen rule for choosing the worktop’s color is the contrast – light cupboards and cabinets demand darker worktop, while dark furniture will look great with a shades of whites, greys and crèmes. What is fortunate, granite can appear in so many forms that you shouldn’t have much problem with finding a perfect color just for you.

Loren Murphy-Brown
Loren Murphy-Brown
Loren, a specialist in the craft of interior design, is the lead writer for Advanced Granite and Marble. She not only thinks herself of the topics, but creates the texts themselves. All in order to help our readers with daily home design struggles. She’s a part-time copywriter and part-time mother of two. Her main hobbies are reading and developing her bespoke, home-décor gadgets.

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