HomeWorktopsConglomerate worktops

Conglomerate worktops

Conglomerate worktops – why are they a good solution?

Conglomerate worktops grow more and more in popularity. They make quite an alternative to expensive and heavy stone products, though they do not look as impressive. Why is it worthy to use them inside? What are their advantages and why are they a good solution? Answers to all these questions are in the article below.

Let us start with the fact that conglomerate worktops are over 90% stone made. It is created by connecting milled stone like marble or granite with polyester resin, resulting in liquid mass. Obviously it may be shaped and cut according to one’s desire. They come in diversified color gamut that is achieved by mixing various dyes. They may have dull or shining finish. They are perfect to be employed in kitchen for they have many advantages that make them stand out from the products available on the market. These are the most important:

Price – conglomerate worktops are definitely cheaper than the products made of natural stone. The difference in price turns out pretty big when we want to order a product of non-standard girth or unusual shape.

Simple treatment – since in the early stage of production conglomerate is in liquid form, one can shape it quite simply. It is much more difficult with stone, where treatment requires precision, patience and control, because one untrained move may lead to crack or crumble and as a consequence starting the process from scratch. Obviously a need to use new block of stone will increase the costs.

Small weight – conglomerate worktops are definitely lighter than the stone ones, so their installation does not need to be preceded with cupboards’ strengthening.

Resilience – conglomerate products are durable, tough and resilient to effects of high temperatures and chemicals. Unfortunately, their smooth surface is easily scratched, however all the wastages and scratches can be easily removed while polishing. What is more, such action can be performed on already installed worktop so it is a real head start.

Lack of smells – conglomerate does not absorb smells, so products like fish, meat and so on may be comfortably placed on it.

Warmth – conglomerate is pleasant and warm to touch, for it adapts to the temperature of environment around it.

Seamless junction – because conglomerate worktops may be seamlessly connected, they offer a great deal of arrangement possibilities and are effortlessly connected with windowsill or sink. Besides, consistent surfaces without any junctions look more exclusive and elegant.

Interesting colors – conglomerate may be given any shade, which is a great asset when creating original interior design.

If you are looking for good quality conglomerate worktops visit polishgranite.co.uk

Loren Murphy-Brown
Loren Murphy-Brown
Loren, a specialist in the craft of interior design, is the lead writer for Advanced Granite and Marble. She not only thinks herself of the topics, but creates the texts themselves. All in order to help our readers with daily home design struggles. She’s a part-time copywriter and part-time mother of two. Her main hobbies are reading and developing her bespoke, home-décor gadgets.

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