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Ceramic worktops – possible arrangements

Modern kitchen worktops – qualities

Kitchen is  a very important part of our houses. Very often kitchen is the very centre of all day’s works and activities. Sometimes, it’s even the gathering place where family meetings take place. Of course, kitchen’s look depends on many factors. Consider for example the following: wall paint, windows’ seizes and frames,  general layout, furniture and appliances, worktops and finally general style.

Modern day kitchens tend to move toward simplicity, minimalism and high practicality and in this way lose a little of their individual character. Contemporary sleek materials and smooth surfaces make kitchens appear sterile and soulless. What’s more, sometimes there’s no kitchen at all, only open space nook with electric kettle and tiny stove to cook at leisure. There’s no such a thing as worktop.

All in all, it appears there’s some kind of paradox with regards to modern kitchens. On the hand, kitchen still remains the very centre of our daily lives, and then on the other it’s somehow lost its personal touch and warm welcoming atmosphere. How can you feel good and perform all your actions in  a sterile, white washed and too smooth place? The answer is to keep your kitchen worktop at all cost. How can you do it and what kitchen worktop materials are best?

Ceramic worktops – design

Kitchen worktop is a simple answer to a difficult questions. Although, it’s not a perfect solution for all kitchens, think of smaller ones, it’s best to try. First of all, you should think of kitchen worktop’s materials. There’s plenty to choose from. Basically, there are two options, natural stones or engineered materials. With regards to natural stones the most common choices are marble and granite. With regards to engineered ones it’s quartz and ceramic.

Granite and marble have plenty of advantages, yet for some people they aren’t suitable. Due to natural stones’ relatively high prices, specific texture and limited set of colours, it’s sometimes best to choose something different. Ceramic worktops are gaining momentum now and are proved to be a good choice for kitchen worktops.

Ceramic worktops are a perfect combination of practical ceramic qualities and technological achievements. Ceramic worktops are known for their high resistance to many harmful factors, relative thickness which makes them resistant to scratches and heavy impacts, high durability and interesting texture. Ceramic worktops can really make a difference in modern day soulless kitchens. They can add a little personal touch and allure that can set off even the bleakest kitchen.

Loren Murphy-Brown
Loren Murphy-Brown
Loren, a specialist in the craft of interior design, is the lead writer for Advanced Granite and Marble. She not only thinks herself of the topics, but creates the texts themselves. All in order to help our readers with daily home design struggles. She’s a part-time copywriter and part-time mother of two. Her main hobbies are reading and developing her bespoke, home-décor gadgets.

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